Andrea G Stewart

Art and Writing


Hi friends and readers! I’m afraid I have some bad news. This is all on me, but the third and last book in The Drowning Empire trilogy, THE BONE SHARD WAR, is going to be pushed back to Spring 2023. It's been A Year, and besides me running into pandemic problems (finding reliable—and safe!—childcare has been interesting), this third book is chonky and I completely scrapped the first 165K draft. BUT the good news is I started over, scrapped the 2nd iteration 1/3 of the way in--wait, no, the good news is that I started over a third time and I'm 30-50K from the end and it's finally feeling right.

I've had the ending in mind for a long time, but I really want to make sure that everything leading up to it is satisfying! If you haven't guessed yet, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and very hard on my own work 😅 Please know this is going to be the ending the series deserves, and I'm terribly sorry it is taking a few months longer than expected!

I so appreciate everyone who has read the books so far, and I have an enormous complex about disappointing people, so rest assured it is coming!