Andrea G Stewart

Art and Writing


I'll be adding a bibliography section to my website soon. In addition to my story, "Dreameater," in Writers of the Future Volume 29, I have another story out and a couple more forthcoming.  And I always have stories in the submission pipelines. I have "A Spray of Bittersweet" out in the e-book and print versions of the When the Hero Comes Home 2 anthology. I've been reading the book myself, and it's a lovely collection. The theme is wonderful, and it’s explored in a number of different ways.  Mine is about a wife who is left behind.  When her husband returns, she must deal with his reluctance to speak of what happened, her own secrets, and those who would ask him to be a hero, again.

"The Unchanging Nature of Stones" will be out, in print and online (free to read for two months!) starting November 1.  It will be posted on the Galaxy’s Edge website.  I don’t really know how to describe it other than it deals with love, change, and loss.  Sometimes the ones who most resist change are those that ultimately change in the most extreme ways.

And there’s "The Dreams of Wan Li," which doesn’t yet have a release date.  It will be available at Beneath Ceaseless Skies sometime in the next several months (I’m guessing?).  A boy grows up in a magical opium den, where the smoke allows a person to live their dreams, at least for as long as they have money to pay.

So that’s what I have out and about and forthcoming!  I’m hopeful I’ll have more to add in the next few months.


I Won First Place in Writers of the Future!

Okay, wow.  I thought I would never be writing this post - the one where something finally gave way.  It's been a long and arduous road for me.  A lot of late nights meeting self-imposed deadlines, of toting the laptop or notebook places so I could squeeze in some writing time.  But this has been my dream, and dreams don't actually happen overnight (despite evidence to the contrary). Even after all the work, the rejection after rejection, I have never thought about or considered giving up.  And I'm so glad that it's paid off.

When I got THE CALL, I was working out, watching Once Upon a Time, and trying to keep my cat from bringing a massive rat into the house.  So when I picked up the phone, it took me a second to even register that it was THE CALL.  In fact, I cannot remember what I said, or what Joni said, for about a minute or so after she told me I'd won first place.  It was a surreal experience.  I'd spent so much time wondering what it would be like to finally break into a pro publication - I thought I would cry; instead, I was just shocked.

I can't talk about the story I submitted, but I will say that I am so glad it's going to see print, that it will be on bookshelves, that it will be read.

And I am fully aware that this is just the first step, and that things will only get harder from here.  I'm taking it easy for a week or two to catch up on some reading, and then I'm stepping up my game.

I've got plans, people, so stay tuned!

The Good and the Bad News

Let's start with bad news. I was rejected by Angry Robot.  I weep!  I gnash my teeth!  Well, I was really bummed for a while after it happened.  But onwards...Lestoor's Chosen is still out on submission to agents, and I'm getting some interest.

In good news, I am almost finished with Loose Changeling!  I've learned a lot in the past year about what works and what doesn't work for me as far as writing and productivity.  I'm excited to be prepping this for queries or possible self-publication.

In other good news...I just got a call this morning that I'm a finalist for Q3 of the Writers of the Future contest!  Excited would be putting it lightly.  I love the story I submitted, so I'm ecstatic to see it receiving some recognition.  I'll keep you posted on the results!